Appendix F. Document History and Revisions
Version Information
Archival Accessioning Best Practices (ABP) v.1.0.2: Transfer of ownership of standard to SAA Accessioning, Acquisitions, & Appraisal Section (AA&A).
Updated contact email address to mark transfer of responsibility of the Best Practices to the SAA Accessioning, Acquisitions, & Appraisal Section (AA&A) in January 2025.
Archival Accessioning Best Practices (ABP) v.1.0.1: Approved by Society of American Archivists Council in November 2024.
Removed individual page headers regarding review by the SAA Standards Committee following approval by SAA Council in November 2024.
Archival Accessioning Best Practices (ABP) v.1.0, published in Gitbook July 2024: Submitted to the Society of American Archivists Standards Committee in August 2024.
To see the full changelog of the Accessioning Best Practices, visit
About Versioning
The Accessioning Best Practices uses semantic versioning, with interpretations borrowed from the Technical Subcommittee on Describing Archives: A Content Standard. Version numbers are represented in the following format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.
A major change is understood as one that changes the interpretation so much as to make previous usage obsolete. It is also significant enough to warrant community feedback. Examples may include:
Significant revision to the Guiding Principles
Creating or deleting recommendations
Creating significant new content, such as a new section or appendix
Making significant alterations to how an Accession Record element is used or defined
Would the change make the answer to the question “Does this change how people use, educate, or write about it?” be “yes”?
A minor change is one that does not affect the application or interpretation of the Best Practices. Examples may include:
Adding new links
Updating crosswalks based on changes to companion standards
Adding use cases or examples to the existing recommendations
A patch or bug fix may include:
Correcting a typo
Correcting a grammatical error
Correcting broken links
Correcting an error in Markdown
Future Revisions and Feedback
Following formal approval, this standard is maintained by the SAA Accessioning, Acquisitions, & Appraisal Section (AA&A). The initial review will occur in three years in 2027. After the initial review, the SAA Standards Committee requires review every five years.
Bug fixes or patch releases are permitted to occur outside of the formal review period in order to correct typos, broken links, and perform basic maintenance functionality. You may report an error to AA&A at Feedback and suggestions beyond correcting errors (e.g., a suggestion that warrants broader consideration, a desired expansion into new areas) will be collected and acknowledged but might not be addressed until the formal review period.
Last updated